Unemployment Insurance and the CARES Act

IAA akan mengadakan webinar gratis untuk komunitas berisi penjelasan tentang Pembagian Asuransi Tuna Karya dan CARES (Covid 19 Aid, Relief, and Economic Stimulus) Act , aturan baru dari Kongres. Presentasi akan dibawakan oleh Ibu Agatha Tan, pengacara berbahasa Indonesia dari APALRC di Washington DC.

IAA is organizing a free webinar for the community to explain the Unemployment Insurance Provision and the CARES Act. Presentation will be done by Ms. Agatha Tan, an Indonesian-speaking lawyer from APALRC (Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center) in Washington DC.

Link to Webinar: https://meet.google.com/zim-cfai-zkf
Access by Phone: +1 424-341-5982‬ PIN: ‪963 524 304‬#

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